"The Showa Groove" is a series in which Korean producer/DJ Night Tempo updates Showa pop songs with a Reiwa twist. The 17th installment features Yasuha. Her debut song "Friday Chinatown," released in 1981, is once again in the limelight both in Japan and abroad, and Night Tempo has finally made an official re-edit of the song. The 7-inch analog version (yellow) is now available. USA Seller Tracklisting 1 FLY-DAY CHINATOWN / YASUHA フライディ・チャイナタウン (Night Tempo Showa Groove Mix) / 泰葉 1 BLUENIGHT BLUE / YASUHA ブルーナイト・ブルー (Night Tempo Showa Groove Mix) / 泰葉